Mac Required Data Notice From Microsoft Autoupdate 2019

  1. 2019-8-31  Yesterday, July 18, 2019, I started getting a popup window for Microsoft AutoUpdate that says Required data notice. Is this a virus or malware. I've never seen it before, and I don't use Microsoft software. Where is this coming from, and how do I get rid of it?
  2. Required service data is also collected and sent to Microsoft for the essential services of Office, such as the licensing service that confirms that you are properly licensed to use Office. This data for essential services is sent regardless of any other privacy-related settings that you have configured.
  3. How to Fix Microsoft Office AutoUpdate for Mac not working. I can click on the links to the privacy notice, etc. However, Manual and Automatic options are disabled along with the “Check for.
  4. Jul 23, 2019 Suppressing Microsoft AutoUpdate's Required Data Notice screen As part of the latest update to Microsoft AutoUpdate app, a new screen has appeared which requires the logged-in user to click on it. This screen is to notify users that Microsoft AutoUpdate collects diagnostic data for Microsoft and provides basic information on how to opt-out of.

我们建议始终更新到最新版本的 Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU)。We recommend that you always update to the latest version of Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU).

Browser Redirection: Microsoft AutoUpdate Mac Virus virus can also infect your working web browser and causes unwanted web redirection. This nasty threat can also bring other noxious malware on your PC. Data Corruption: Microsoft AutoUpdate Mac Virus virus is a lethal PC threat that harm your entire system data. It can corrupt your files. Jul 21, 2019 Posted on July 21, 2019 July 21, 2019 by Jimmy Obomsawin If you have Microsoft Office installed on your Mac, chances are you got this popup window or will get it very soon. It doesn’t explain itself in very simple terms so I have gotten a lot of emails and calls from clients in the past few days asking what it is or if it’s malware. How to tell if an Office for Mac update is valid. Posted on May 17th, 2017 by Jay Vrijenhoek. One of the most commonly found 3rd party applications on a Mac is Microsoft Office. Office for Mac is a software suite that is frequently updated to introduce new features, improve stability, performance, compatibility.

下表提供了 Microsoft AutoUpdate 的发布历史记录信息。该表按发布日期排序,最新发布日期列在第一位。所有更新程序包均为 64 位。The following table provides release history information for Microsoft AutoUpdate. The table is ordered by release date, with the most recent release date listed first. All update packages are 64-bit.


  • 仅提供最新版 Microsoft AutoUpdate 的下载链接Download links are only provided for the most recent release of Microsoft AutoUpdate
  • Microsoft AutoUpdate 提供 Microsoft 中对各种 Mac 产品的更新。因此,如果你没有运行 Office for Mac,则会收到一条更新 Microsoft AutoUpdate 的通知。Microsoft AutoUpdate provides updates to various Mac products from Microsoft. Therefore, you might receive a notification to update Microsoft AutoUpdate even if you're not running Office for Mac.

要查看发行说明,请参阅发行说明。To view release notes, see Release notes.

2020 年 3 月版本March 2020 release

发布日期: 2020年 3 月 10 日Release Date: March 10, 2020

Microsoft 自动更新 4.21Microsoft Auto Update 4.21

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • 已为 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint 启用状态还原,运行但打开任何窗口,或在 Microsoft AutoUpdate 的自动更新模式中运行 Docstage 状态。State Restoration Enabled for Word, Excel and PowerPoint, running without any windows open, or running the Docstage state, in automatic updates mode of Microsoft AutoUpdate.现在对于最终用户而言,在“自动更新”模式下,更新将更加安静,因为最终用户无需退出通过状态恢复具备更新资格的应用程序。Now updates will be even more silent for end users in Automatic Updates mode, as they don't need to quit their apps that qualify for Update via State Restoration.

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.21 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.21 Package
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2020 年 2 月版本February 2020 release

发布日期: 2020 年 2 月 11 日Release Date: February 11, 2020

Microsoft 自动更新 4.20Microsoft Auto Update 4.20

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • 仅当设备上至少有 1 个应用已在 MAU 中注册时,才会启动 Microsoft AutoUpdate UIMicrosoft AutoUpdate UI launches only if at least 1 app on the device is registered with MAU
  • Bug 修复和增强功能Bug fixes and Enhancements

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.20 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.20 Package
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2020 年 1 年发布January 2020 release

发布日期: 2020 年 1 月 14 日Release Date: January 14, 2020

Microsoft 自动更新 4.19Microsoft Auto Update 4.19

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • Bug 修复和增强功能Bug Fixes and enhancements

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.19 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.19 Package
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2019 年 12 月版本December 2019 release

发布日期: 2019 年 12 月 10 日Release Date: December 10, 2019

Mac Required Data Notice From Microsoft Autoupdate 2019 Download

Microsoft 自动更新 4.18Microsoft Auto Update 4.18

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • 每个应用的频道:Mac 管理员现在可以订阅每个应用的不同频道或验证环。Channel Per App: Mac Admins can now subscribe to different channels or rings of validation per app.

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.18 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.18 Package
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2019 年 11 月版本November 2019 release

发布日期: 2019 年 11 月 12 日Release Date: November 12, 2019

Microsoft 自动更新 4.17Microsoft Auto Update 4.17

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • 现在可以在“Microsoft 自动更新”仪表板上查看每个主要更新中的新增功能。What's New in each major update can now be viewed on the Microsoft AutoUpdate dashboard.
  • 随着 Catalina 的发布,Office 2019 更新的最低操作系统要求已更改为 macOS 10.13,我们将通知用户升级以获取最新的 Office 更新。Minimum OS requirements for Office 2019 updates has changed to macOS 10.13 with the release of Catalina and we are notifying users to upgrade to get latest Office Updates.

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.17 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.17 Package
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2019 年 10 月发布October 2019 release

发布日期: 2019 年 10 月 15 日Release Date: October 15, 2019

Microsoft 自动更新 4.16Microsoft Auto Update 4.16

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • 从 Microsoft AutoUpdate 4.16 开始,所有客户都可以使用全新改进的最终用户体验。Starting Microsoft AutoUpdate 4.16, the all new improved end-user experience is now available for all customers.

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.16 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.16 Package
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2019 年 9 月发布September 2019 release

发布日期: 2019 年 9 月 10 日Release Date: September 10, 2019

Microsoft 自动更新 4.15Microsoft Auto Update 4.15

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • MAU 更新截止时间通知现在将以本地设备的时间格式向最终用户显示截止时间。MAU Update Deadline Notifications will now display time of deadline to end users in their local device's time format.
  • 现在,MAU AU 守护程序称为“Microsoft 更新助手”。MAU AU Daemon is now called Microsoft Update Assistant.
  • 已修复运行 'msupdate' 命令时,从前台应用程序窃取焦点的问题。Fixed an issue where focus was stolen from the foreground app when running the 'msupdate' command.

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.15 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.15 Package
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2019 年 8 月版本August 2019 release

发布日期: 2019 年 8 月 13 日Release Date: August 13, 2019

Microsoft 自动更新 4.14Microsoft Auto Update 4.14

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • 解决了多项问题来改进语音翻译、更新性能和 UI。Fixed various issues for improving voice over translations, update performance and UI.
  • 添加了用于故障排除的遥测数据和修补程序。Added telemetry and fixes for troubleshooting.

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.14 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.14 Package
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2019 年 7 月发布July 2019 release

发布日期: 2019 年 7 月 18 日Release Date: July 18, 2019

Microsoft 自动更新 4.13Microsoft Auto Update 4.13

Mac Required Data Notice From Microsoft Autoupdate 2019 Free

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • MAU 隐私权变更:所需的数据收集通知将作为合规性的一部分向最终用户显示。Privacy Changes for MAU: A Required Data Collection Notice will be shown to end users as part of compliance.
  • MAU 更新截止日期:Mac 管理员现在可以在 MAU 中设置截止日期,从而跨其 Mac 用户强制执行更新。MAU Update Deadline: Mac Admins can now set a deadline within MAU to enforce updates across their Mac users.了解更多Learn more
  • 各种 Bug 和性能修补程序。Various Bugs and performance fixes.

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.13 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.13 Package
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2019 年 6 月发布June 2019 release

发布日期: 2019 年 6 月 27 日Release Date: June 27, 2019

Microsoft 自动更新 4.12Microsoft Auto Update 4.12

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • 修复了导致完整更新程序的 MAU 更新失败的 Apple OS beta 问题。Fixed issue with Apple OS beta causing failures in MAU updates for full updaters.

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.12 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.12 Package
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发布日期: 2019 年 6 月 9 日Release Date: June 9, 2019

Microsoft 自动更新 4.12Microsoft Auto Update 4.12

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • 二进制增量更新:对于 SSD 设备,将推出大小较小的更新,从而减少由于更新导致的带宽消耗。Binary Delta Updates: For SSD devices, rolling out smaller updates, thereby reducing the bandwidth consumption due to updates.
  • 支持配件应用:MAU 现支持 Microsoft OneDrive 等配件应用。Support for Accessory Apps: MAU now supports accessory apps such as Microsoft OneDrive.
  • “克隆安装”增强功能:克隆更新现在变得更加可靠,且防故障能力更强。Install on Clone enhancements: Updating clones is now more robust and failproof.

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.12 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.12 Package
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2019 年 5 月发布May 2019 release

发布日期: 2019 年 5 月 14 日Release Date: May 14, 2019

Microsoft 自动更新 4.11Microsoft Auto Update 4.11

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • MAU 隐私权变更:所需的数据收集通知将作为合规性的一部分向最终用户显示。Privacy Changes for MAU: A Required Data Collection Notice will be shown to end users as part of compliance.
  • MAU 更新截止日期:Mac 管理员现在可以在 MAU 中设置截止日期,从而跨其 Mac 用户强制执行更新。MAU Update Deadline: Mac Admins can now set a deadline within MAU to enforce updates across their Mac users.了解更多Learn more
  • 各种 Bug 和性能修补程序。Various Bugs and performance fixes.

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.11 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.11 Package
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2019 年 4 月版本April 2019 release

发布日期: 2019 年 4 月 16 日Release Date: April 16, 2019

Microsoft 自动更新 4.10Microsoft Auto Update 4.10

Adding Grammarly to Microsoft Edge means that your spelling and grammar will be vetted on Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, and nearly everywhere else you write on the web. Once you register your new account, you will start to receive weekly emails with personalized insights and performance stats (one of our most popular new features). Grammarly for Microsoft Word on Mac. Write better, clearer Word documents. Get it for Windows It's free. Also Available for Mac. Other ways to use Grammarly. The Grammarly Editor. Grammarly Premium. Grammarly Business. Grammarly @edu. Grammarly Desktop Apps. The Grammarly Keyboard. Download Grammarly for Word. Grammarly for MS Office brings the power of Grammarly to all your Word documents and Outlook emails. Install today. Can I download the Grammarly add-in on my Mac? Next to the listing for Grammarly for Microsoft Word, click Add. In your Word document, look for the Grammarly tab on your toolbar and click Open Grammarly. You can review the system requirements here. Was this article helpful? Sep 03, 2018  You can help protect yourself from scammers by verifying that the contact is a Microsoft Agent or Microsoft Employee and that the phone number is an official Microsoft global customer service number. Site Feedback. Tell us about your experience with our site. Frij66 Created on September 3, 2018. How do I add 'Grammarly' add-in to Outlook. Grammarly for mac office.

功能更新:Feature Updates:

  • “在克隆上安装”功能得到强化: 对于 SSD 设备,将在当前使用的应用的克隆上推广更新,从而降低应用由于更新而停机的情况。Install On Clone Feature Enhancements: For SSD devices, rolling out updates on clone for apps in use, thereby reducing the app downtime due to updates.
  • 安装优化:更新过程将使用并行化克隆,因而缩短因更新而导致应用故障的时间。Installation Optimizations: The update process will use parallelized cloning, so app downtime due to updates will be reduced.

MAU 更新链接:MAU Update Link:

下载 Microsoft 自动更新 4.10 包Download Microsoft Auto Update 4.10 Package
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发布历史记录Release history

发布日期Release date版本Version详细信息More information
2019 年 9 月 10 日September 10, 2019

2019 年 8 月 13 日August 13, 2019

2019 年 7 月 18 日July 18, 2019

2019 年 6 月 27 日June 27, 2019
2019 年 6 月 9 日June 9, 2019

2019 年 5 月 14 日May 14, 2019

2019 年 4 月 16 日April 16, 2019

2019 年 3 月 14 日March 14, 2019
发行说明Release notes

2019 年 2 月 26 日February 26, 2019
发行说明Release notes

2019 年 1 月 16 日January 16, 2019
发行说明Release notes
2018 年 12 月 11 日December 11,2018
发行说明Release notes
2018 年 11 月 14 日November 14, 2018
发行说明Release notes
2018 年 10 月 16 日October 16, 2018
发行说明Release notes
2018 年 9 月 11 日September 11, 2018
发行说明Release notes
2018 年 8 月 14 日August 14, 2018
发行说明Release notes
2018 年 7 月 10 日July 10, 2018
发行说明Release notes
2018 年 6 月 12 日June 12, 2018
2018 年 5 月 15 日May 15, 2018
2018 年 4 月 10 日April 10, 2018
发行说明Release notes
2018 年 3 月 13 日March 13, 2018
2018 年 2 月 13 日February 13, 2018
发行说明Release notes

2018 年 1 月 18 日January 18, 2018

2017 年 12 月 17 日December 17, 2017
发行说明Release notes

2017 年 12 月 12 日December 12, 2017

2017 年 10 月 10 日October 10, 2017

2017 年 9 月 12 日September 12, 2017
发行说明Release notes

2017 年 8 月 15 日August 15, 2017

2017 年 7 月 11 日July 11, 2017

2017 年 6 月 13 日June 13, 2017

2017 年 5 月 9 日May 9, 2017
发行说明Release notes

2017 年 4 月 11 日April 11, 2017
发行说明Release notes

2017 年 2 月 16 日February 16, 2017
发行说明Release notes

2017 年 1 月 11 日January 11, 2017
发行说明Release notes

2016 年 12 月 13 日December 13, 2016

2016 年 11 月 15 日November 15, 2016

2016 年 10 月 11 日October 11, 2016
KB 3193438KB 3193438

2016 年 8 月 22 日August 22, 2016
KB 3179163KB 3179163

2016 年 5 月 10 日May 10, 2016
KB 3155777KB 3155777

2016 年 4 月 12 日April 12, 2016
KB 3142577KB 3142577

2016 年 1 月 5 日January 5, 2016
KB 3133674KB 3133674

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The information in this article applies to Version 1904 or later of the following Office client software installed on a computer running Windows:

  • Office 365 ProPlus and Office 365 Business
  • Office 365 Personal, Office 365 Home, or other versions of Office that are part of an Office 365 subscription.
  • Project and Visio that come with some subscription plans, such as the Project Online Professional plan or Visio Online Plan 2.

The information also applies to Version 16.28 or later of the following Office for Mac applications: Excel, Outlook, OneNote, PowerPoint, and Word.

Office consists of client software applications and connected experiences designed to enable you to create, communicate, and collaborate more effectively. Working with others on a document stored on OneDrive for Business or translating the contents of a Word document into a different language are examples of connected experiences.

Required service data is crucial because it enables us to deliver these cloud-based connected experiences and help make these experiences secure and perform as expected for our customers. Three types of information make up required service data.

  • Customer content, which is content you create using Office, such as text typed in a Word document, and is used in conjunction with the connected experience.
  • Functional data, which includes information needed by a connected experience to perform its task, such as configuration information about the app.
  • Service diagnostic data, which is the data necessary to keep the service secure, up to date, and performing as expected. Because this data is strictly related to the connected experience, it is separate from required or optional diagnostic data levels.

Example of required service data for a connected experience

To help you understand required service data, the following is an example scenario using PowerPoint Designer, which is a connected experience you can use when creating slides for a presentation. PowerPoint Designer helps you improve your slides by automatically generating design ideas to choose from. While you're putting content on a slide, Designer works in the background to match that content to professionally designed layouts.

The required service data that is sent to Microsoft to enable this connected experience for you could include the following:

  • Customer content, such as the text or images you added to your slide.
  • Functional data, such as which slide you are working on and its layout.
  • Service diagnostic data, such as events that tell us if the design idea was correctly applied to your slide and that the service calls were performing correctly.

View and manage required service data

You can see service diagnostic data by using the Diagnostic Data Viewer. For more information, see Examples of events for service diagnostic data.

We give you the ability to choose which types of connected experiences you want to use in Office, which then determines what required service data is sent to us. PowerPoint Designer, for example, is one of several connected experiences that analyzes your content. If you choose to turn off connected experience that analyze content, no required service data about PowerPoint Designer is sent to us because PowerPoint Designer won’t be available to use.

Required service data is also collected and sent to Microsoft for the essential services of Office, such as the licensing service that confirms that you are properly licensed to use Office. This data for essential services is sent regardless of any other privacy-related settings that you have configured.

For more information, see the following:

If you’re the admin for your organization, you might also be interested in the following:

Examples of events for service diagnostic data

Service diagnostic data appears in the Diagnostic Data Viewer and is organized into the same categories that required and optional diagnostic data use. For example, Product and service usage or Product and service performance.

The events for service diagnostic data provide us necessary information about whether a connected experience is performing as a customer would expect. For example, whether the service used by the connected experience started successfully and was available when needed, whether there were errors or other unexpected issues (crashes) when interacting with the service, and the responsiveness or performance of the service.

The following table provides some examples of events for service diagnostic data.

Office.Excel.Coauth.SaveXrrAn event triggered in Excel when using the collaboration service that reports details on individual revisions that are written to the revision log. This provides latency monitoring and indicates errors in Excel that are related to the collaboration
Office.Excel.Coauth.CloseWorkbookAn event triggered in Excel when using the collaboration service that reports when a workbook is closed. This is needed in determining any errors with reload and auto-refresh. It provides success measurement for collaboration service activities.
Office.Security.OCX.NonTrustedEncounterAn event triggered in Office applications (including Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Visio) when a user opens an untrusted document with an ActiveX control. It is used to broadly assess use of ActiveX controls embedded in Office documents and to drive security mitigations in response to security incidents.
Office.Security.UrlReputation.GetUrlReputationAn event triggered in Office applications (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, and Publisher) that tracks the success or failure of Safe Links calls. It is used to make sure that the Safe Links service is working properly and to diagnose any problems.
Office.Voice.VoiceManager.StreamingAudioAn event triggered in Office applications (including Word, Outlook, and PowerPoint) that provides information about the health of audio streaming to the speech service. It contains information about the size of audio streamed and any errors that may have occurred. This information is used to monitor the service health and to diagnose any issues that may have been reported by customers.