Apple Mac Os Vs Microsoft Windows

By Prince McLean
Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 08:00 am PT (11:00 am ET)

  1. Apple Os Download
  2. Mac Vs Win
  3. Apple Mac Os Vs Microsoft Windows 10
  4. Mac Os Download
The tech media is working to pit Microsoft's upcoming Windows 7 release against Apple's new Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, but the two products aren't really direct competitors.
  1. Mar 10, 2020 Windows and Mac have been in active development for decades, and if you’re looking for a computer for work, odds are that you’re going to go for one or the other. Chrome OS, a Linux-based system developed by Google, is more of an anomaly. It’s based on Google’s Chrome browser.
  2. 2012-9-9  苹果Mac OS X Lion已经于一周前正式发布。苹果官方表示,Lion发布首日便售出100万份。相较最大的竞争对手Windows 7,Lion系统究竟有哪些优势呢? Mac应用商店 苹果系统相较微软系统最大的优势便是Mac应用商店。与.

The operating system most users end up with will depend upon what hardware they choose to buy, not the specific feature details of the software that system happens to run. History reveals that the hardware decision isn't going to be based primarily upon features.

2017-6-30  mac os vs windows(于前端开发而言) 09-26 阅读数 4353 macosvswindows(于前端开发而言)想长期在前端这方面发展的,或者想要进入更高层次的前端工程师。 推荐还是要入手一个macOS系统的电脑。并不是Windows不好,主要原因有以下几点。(看了大.

The following presents a historical overview of the competition between Apple and Microsoft in the operating system market leading up to this year's face off between Windows 7 and Snow Leopard. While modern Macs can now also run Windows, Apple is the only PC maker to refrain from actually licensing it from Microsoft as an OEM; in contrast, Apple's Mac OS X only legally runs on the company's own premium PCs. That has enabled Mac OS X to differentiate Apple's hardware from other PC vendors using easy to demonstrate software features and tighter hardware integration, winning back some of the ground Apple lost during the decade of the 90s.
How Microsoft inherited Apple's crown in the 90s
In the 90s, Microsoft and its entourage of Windows PC makers came to largely view Apple as nearly irrelevant, but once Mac OS X arrived and began to catch the attention of users with its slick and sophisticated graphics compositing, its malware-free computing experience, and its unique and consistent interface features, Microsoft was pressured by its licensees to catch up so they could offer a competitive product.
Mac OS X essentially reset the clock for Apple, turning back time to 1990, when the company commanded a greater than 10% share of the entire PC market and dominated nearly all graphical desktop computing. Back then, the remainder of the PC market was running DOS, making it fairly easy for Apple to distinguish its graphical, easy to use product. Windows 3.0, the first version to ever ship installed on a new PC, hadn't yet arrived.
Perhaps things were too easy for Apple; rather than aggressively competing against DOS PCs, Apple used its technical superiority to extract higher prices for its machines. The problem was that Apple's boutique market lacked a boutique outlet for sales. The company was forced to sell its Macintosh models next to cheaper DOS PCs in computer stores and general retailer such as Sears, where they sat at the mercy of retailers who had no incentive to sell Apple's product, as they were making higher margins on the DOS PCs.

Microsoft's command-line DOS operating system.

As Mac sales remained flat, PC sales began to climb rapidly. Microsoft's continuous, incremental updates to Windows also began to blur the line between the Mac experience and that of DOS PCs with its Windows shell installed. Additionally, while Microsoft was building Windows from a relatively clean slate, Apple's Mac OS was tied up with early 80s legacy issues, including a simple cooperative multitasking model and a complete lack of modern operating system features such as protected memory, secure user accounts, and file permissions.

Windows 3.0 was the third major release of Microsoft Windows, released on May 22nd 1990.

Rather than delivering a technology overhaul, Apple released a series of code names for software that never materialized as promised, including Taligent, Copland, and Gershwin. By the end of the 90s, Apple had lost its position as the leader in graphical desktop computing to the point where many observers had forgotten it ever had defined innovation in the industry. Fortunately, the company had a comeback plan thanks to its merger with NeXT and the homecoming of its CEO, Steve Jobs.

A diagram of Copland's runtime architecture based off of one from Apple.

The tables turn in the 2000sWindows
At the beginning of the 2000s, Microsoft had just released Windows 2000 (aka Windows 5.0), a mature and stable revision of its new Windows NT operating system that was developed to replace the DOS Shell version of Windows it had sold as Windows 95/98/Me. Microsoft's competition was all but gone, with Apple down to a roughly 2% share of the worldwide market for all PCs and servers, and IBM's OS/2, NeXT, BeOS, and other desktop operating system competitors out of the picture entirely.

Windows 95, released Aug 24, 1995 (left) and Windows 98, released Jun 25, 1998 (right).

The company's worrisome monopoly trial was about to be set aside by the new Bush Administration, and Microsoft was close to releasing a fusion of Windows 2000 and its consumer hardware-friendly Windows 98 as Whistler. Beyond that release, the company laid out a roadmap including Longhorn and Blackcomb to guarantee that the company could remain at the forefront of desktop PC software innovation as long as it could continue to repress any legal actions challenging its rise to the top through exclusive contracts with OEMs that prevented competitors from entering the operating system market.

Windows 2000 was released February 17, 2000 and targeted business desktops, notebook computers, and servers.

Microsoft was ultimately able to successfully pay off or scuttle any significant legal problems, but it was hit by a new challenge: a festering rash of high profile security flaws tied to its early 90s, pre-Internet legacy. Suddenly, the company was finding itself in the position of Apple a decade prior, with a complicated software roadmap riddled with potholes, a product that was facing increasing price competition (thanks to Linux and other free software), and new competition from Mac OS X that rivaled its position as the leader in desktop innovation.
Windows XP vs. Mac OS X
Microsoft's Whistler, delivered as Windows XP, was internally Windows 5.1, a minor update to Windows 2000. However, with the security work Microsoft had to assume, XP would end up being the company's primary OS throughout the decade. Even two years after the release of Windows Vista (6.0) in 2006, which sprang from Longhorn but took far longer to complete than planned, nearly 80% of Microsoft's installed base remains on XP, and the company's hardware partners continue to advertise their systems' ability to revert back to XP as a feature.

Released on Oct 25, 2001, XP was Microsoft's first consumer OS built on the Windows NT kernel and architecture.

Apple Os Download

In contrast, Mac OS X 10.0 debuted along side XP but was then updated in a series of major reference releases, including the free 10.1 update in 2001, the mainstream 10.2 Jaguar in 2002, 10.3 Panther in late 2003, 10.4 Tiger in early 2005, 10.4 Tiger for Intel in 2006, and 10.5 Leopard in 2007. While Microsoft released some 'service pack' updates for XP during that time, only XP SP2 contained any significant feature updates, mostly related to patching up its security issues. Each of reference releases to Mac OS X delivered major new features, applications, and services for Mac users, in addition to performance enhancements that made the new software run faster even on older machines. Apple has also released dozens of free 'service pack' minor updates to its reference releases of Mac OS X.

Mac OS X 10.0 'Cheetah,' released Mar 24, 2001 (left) and Mac OS X 10.1 'Puma,' released Sep 25, 2001 (right).

Another factor that changed the relationship between Windows PCs and Macs was Apple's development of new retail stores, both free standing outlets owned by the company and 'store within a store' locations run inside retail partners' locations. These allowed Apple to showcase its differentiated machines isolated from Windows PCs that competed primarily on price, not on features and usability. The result was that Apple could now sell its machines' features on their own merits, rather than just struggling to match prices with lowball PC makers.

Mac Vs Win

Mac OS X 10.2 'Jaguar,' released Aug 23, 2002 (left) and Mac OS X 10.3 'Panther,' released Oct 23, 2003 (right).

That retail strategy also shifted the pricing pressure of store brand and no-name PC makers against name brand manufacturers such as Dell and HP, forcing them to race to the bottom the the barrel in pricing, which subsequently resulted in poor product quality that further differentiated Apple's products from those of the other PC makers. Apple's retail stores are now allowing the company to experiment with new manufacturing techniques such as those used in the new unibody MacBooks, as well as higher end, environmentally friendly materials and customized silicon designs.

Mac OS X 10.4 'Tiger,' released Apr 29, 2005 (left) and Mac OS X 10.5 'Leopard,' released Oct 26, 2007 (right).

All of these integration enhancements fuse Mac OS X into the Mac hardware, making it increasingly less comparable to Windows as a retail product. Apple doesn't advertise Mac OS X as an alternative to Windows, it pits the Mac against generic PCs in more general terms.
On page 2 of 2: Vista vs. Mac OS X; and Windows 7 vs Snow Leopard.

The Mac vs. PC debate is one of the most controversial topics when it comes to computers. This page gives a comparison between computers running Apple's macOS and those running Windows. We are looking to help users who are interested in buying a new computer, not dictating which brand is the 'best.'


Mac - Traditionally, Macs have had fewer security vulnerabilities. Also, in overall numbers, Macs receive fewer viruses than PCs running Windows. However, these numbers can be misleading as Apple's computers only account for less than 10% of the market share. Consequently, PCs show that they not only have more vulnerabilities, but if one were looking to infect or illegally access the most computers, PCs are the easy target.

PC - More people today are using computers running some version of Microsoft Windows, which makes it a smarter target for attackers. That being said, Windows computers have had more security vulnerabilities than Apple computers in the past.

Apple Mac Os Vs Microsoft Windows 10

Bottom line: While newer versions of Windows have made significant improvements in security, most malware is created for PCs. Therefore, you're less likely to run into security issues with a Mac. Mac wins in this category.


Mac - Although many people may argue, 'you get what you pay for,' when compared to a PC, an Apple computer, along with its peripherals, is far more expensive. However, Apple computers are built well, with high-quality components, whereas all PCs are not.

PC - Nearly all PCs, including their peripherals, are far less expensive when compared to a new Mac. They are especially cheaper when it comes to customization of the computer's components.

Bottom line:PC wins this category.

Operating system

Bottom line: This section is even as you're comparing apples and oranges. Both macOS and Windows 10 are clean, fast, highly capable operating systems. In this category, it comes down to personal preference and the user's specific needs. This category is a tie.


Windows is put onto PCs by multiple manufacturers, most of which add some form of bloatware. That being said, bloatware is removable. Either way, that doesn't mean that Windows 10 is an inferior operating system.


Mac users can use Boot Camp to run Windows on their computer. PC users can also install Linux on their computer and use it in conjunction with Windows or as an alternative to Windows.


Bottom line: The number of software titles for Mac has grown over the years. However, Windows dominates the computer software market share, and developers are more likely to create software for PCs because of its larger user base. Furthermore, there are 100s of free programs available for PC that are not available to Mac owners. PC wins this category.

Build quality

Mac - Newer models of Macintosh computers are known for their exceptional quality across their entire line, including both laptops and desktops. Mac's offer a very compact profile regardless of form factor and are aesthetically pleasing.

PC - PCs have always been highly customizable, from cases to internal components, to monitors. As such, there are many different levels of build quality. Therefore, while you can get very high-quality components for a PC, you can also get those that are of poor quality.

Bottom line: While the quality of PC components can be as high, if we are to rate quality across the board, Mac wins this category - but situationally.

Customization and upgrades

Bottom line: Apple machines may be customized with several options. All their computers come pre-built and are only manufactured by Apple. PCs, however, have more pre-built options, due to a higher number of manufacturers. Furthermore, for those who want to build a computer, the options for customization are exponentially higher. PC wins this category.

Boot time

Bottom line: Traditionally, Macs were faster to boot up than PCs. However, with the advent of Windows 10, PC boot times have decreased dramatically. In some cases, Windows 10 performs faster than macOS. That being said, these differences are negligible when compared to hardware. The single biggest component in reducing boot time is the type of hard drive a computer has. Both Macs and PCs have SSDs available to them, but those who build PCs have much faster options. PC wins this category - but situationally.


Bottom line: In the past, Mac certainly had the advantage here because Apple was their sole manufacturer of these computers. Consequently, Apple only had to create one set of drivers. PC, on the other hand, not only has many different pre-built manufacturers, but many interchangeable components as well, which required numerous drivers. However, in recent years, all devices are plug and play in Windows and no longer require the user to install drivers. This category is a tie.


Bottom line: Over the years, computer game companies have shown increased support for Macs. However, Windows owns 90% of the market share, and as such, developers are far more likely to create games for that operating system. Additionally, because (built) PCs are much more customizable, their ability to run computer games is higher. Except for the Mac Pro, there aren't any Macs that keep up with a PC running a mid-range graphics card. PC wins this category.

Repair costs

Bottom line: Apple strives to make its Mac product line as sleek and compact as possible. To do so, they continue to further integrate their parts. Thus, when their desktop computers need to be repaired, they usually require more than one part to be replaced. Most desktop PCs on the other hand, have easy access to any part of the computer by removing a side panel. Laptop repair costs between the two platforms would be more similar, but Mac is still more expensive. PC wins this category.

Touch capability

Bottom line: When it comes to desktop and laptop computers (not mobile devices), Mac offers no touch screen capability, only the Touch Bar on some MacBooks. PC wins this category.

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Additional disclaimers

Not all PC's are the same - There are many PC manufacturers, and thousands of models of computers, which means not everything mentioned above applies to every PC.

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My Apple can run Windows - Microsoft Windows can run on Apple computers using Boot Camp, which means not everything above may apply to your Mac. In the case of gaming, you may be able to run the latest games on your Mac using Boot Camp. However, Boot Camp is not perfect, and it does not mean every game can run on your computer since PC games are not developed with Apple hardware in mind.It's also not unlikely to encounter problems and have performance issues.

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Windows XP is not Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 - Windows XP is over 15 years old. Comparing a Windows XP computer to a new MacBook with OS is like comparing a Ford Pinto to a Ferrari. If you are trying to decide between purchasing a PC or a Mac, make sure you are comparing the latest models and that they have similar hardware components.

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